Why Machine Interfacing ?
As labs are updated and become more modern, better methods of data management and record-keeping may be necessary in order to maintain or improve efficiency. One of the key ways to add efficiency and accuracy to your laboratory is by interfacing your instruments. With the help of Machine interfacing, labs can handle a large volume of samples easily, increasing the efficiency of sample processing and quality of lab reports.
Because instrument manufacturers do not provide common communication or data formats it is up to EazyLAB having bridge that allows integration regardless of the capabilities of the various instruments that you depend on to acquire data on a day-to-day basis. Instruments can be classified into three general classes that identify the communication mechanism.
Uni-Directional Interfacing
Unidirectional interfacing perform one-way communication between the samples and EazyLAB. Results will be stored in the EazyLAB after the completion of the rest. The technician has to perform sample placement manually and decide on what type of sampling to be done.
Bi-directional Interfacing
The bi-directional Interfacing are more smart and advanced as they can generate both output data reports and results while also import data, information, commands, functions, worklists etc. into the system. They allow the input of sample identification and produce files that contain the machine-produced data in a consistent format.
Need of Interfacing
- Full Machine Utilization
- Increase Productivity
- High Quality of Data
Need of Interfacing
- Reduces Manual Error
- Fast and correct output generation
- By all of these you will find patient is satisfied and you have peace of mind.